
Mindful Moments

Grace Rocks

In today’s world, the average person is plagued with a high level of culturally normalized stress. Prolonged stress can lead to anxiety, depression and other mental health difficulties. When it is seemingly normal to be overly-stressed, and a stigma continues to exist around mental health, it is harder for individuals to take action to take care of themselves. Therapy, while great, is unfortunately not a resource that is easily accessible to everyone. Mindfulness meditation can be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time and has been proven to significantly reduce anxiety and depression.
Mindful Moments is a series of card decks to be used to prompt and/or guide a meditation. Each card contains one mantra, or affirmation, that the user will be able to refer back to throughout their practice to focus their energy where they need it most. Through illustrating abstract feelings and concepts, they become easier to grasp, understand and work through.