
Copyright in Graphic Design

Marcus Urban-Mosenson

As students, graphic designers are taught formal skills and conceptual development, but we also need to protect our work and use others’ work properly. In 2020, there were 10,472 copyright-related lawsuits in New York alone. Imagine how many lawsuits could be prevented if we teach students how to protect their work and properly use someone else’s.
Copyright in Graphic Design is a website that provides explanations, tips and tricks, and resources for graphic designers to better understand the ins and outs of copyright law. This website allows users to explore different ways they can protect their work, how to make sure they do not inadvertently infringe on someone else’s copyrights when using work they did not create, and provides access to resources to better understand both. Through research in U.S. copyright and website design, Copyright in Graphic Design helps new and experienced designers maintain their rights and navigate through such a complicated overlap between graphic design and the law.