
Surefire Tools

Emmanuel Aponte

Surefire Tools draws people into the world of tabletop role playing games (TTRPGs). I love TTRPGs because they allow you to be a storyteller, whether you are the one in control of the game or the one playing the game. Places, characters and creatures are so unique and there are game systems for every level of player, from casual to competitive. There are hundreds of stories to be explored: traveling to space in giant robots, pulling off a heist to steal a time machine, becoming friends with cute creatures and befriending the gods of the world that you will explore. There is almost no limit to the games available for you to play and the best part is that you get to build the story with your friends. No two games will ever play out the same story.
This website makes tabletop role playing games easier to access for people curious about playing these games casually with friends. The main feature of this site is the resources page, which highlights different websites that will aid you in exploring tabletop role playing games.